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Now is the time to ensure your preparedness plans are up to date

Emergency Preparedness During COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic presents challenges to emergency management that we have not witnessed for a century. The science of the disease continues to evolve, requiring response strategies to constantly adapt. The pandemic has stressed our healthcare system, challenged logistics and supply chain systems, undermined employment and the economy, and tested our systems of governance and incident coordination.

Leaders in government, education and healthcare are working hard to meet their communities’ needs, but the fight is far from over. This is a critical moment to apply lessons learned to next phase of this emergency.

Interim After-Action Reports

As the pandemic continues, now is the time to identify where your systems have held, where they strained, and where they failed. Our outcome-focused, forward-looking AARs provide actionable steps for ongoing improvement.

We have personal and professional stakes in the resilience and preparedness of our communities. Our experts have been delivering AARs on real-world events since 2003. Witt O’Brien’s goal as a company is to help you get it right.

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Emergency Plan Updates

Emergency Plan Updates can both improve your ongoing response to the pandemic and adapt your existing response plans to the COVID-19 environment. Plan updates should be supported by training and exercise to ensure these updates drive real change in your organization.

If the next hurricane, wildfire, or tornado hits during the pandemic are you ready to respond? Our preparedness team brings decades of expertise in emergency planning, program assessment, training and exercise, and project managementt.

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Finding Funding & Simplifying Procurement

In many cases, the federal CARES Act can be used to fund preparedness activities – we can help determine what is eligible. The urgent needs associated with COVID-19 can also justify emergency contracting. Witt O’Brien’s offers contracting vehicles to simplify procurement, including GSA, HGAC and CMAS.

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