Helping you prepare for a crisis—and respond if needed
Corporate Solutions
Most businesses are not crisis-ready. If disaster strikes, they don't have a plan and quickly lose control of the situation. That damages their clients, operations, reputation—even their viability.
We help you prepare for the unexpected and manage the crisis. And when disaster does strike, our Houston-based 24x7 Command Center provides immediate support to thousands of clients around the world. Our clients range from leading energy and shipping companies to social media, consumer goods, retail, financial services, manufacturing and more.
Our mission is to help you minimize disruption and get back to business as usual, as quickly as possible.

Business Continuity
Practical assessment, planning and validation for your business resilience
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Maritime Solutions
As your partner in compliance, we can help you meet the many regulatory requirements imposed on vessels trading in U.S. waters.
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EHS, Regulatory, & Security Compliance
A common-sense approach to complying with emergency preparedensss requirements
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