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Incident Response, Environmental Consulting, & Regulatory Subject Matter Experts

An economical solution to a never-ending challenge, supplementing your existing staff with experienced, highly qualified experts in order to meet short-term, sudden surges in personnel requirements without investing in full-time hires.

The resources and expertise you need, when you need them, without the FTE investment.

Regulatory & Compliance Support

Packages are customizable to provide full-time, weekly, monthly, or quarterly on-site support at a single location, on a rotational basis amongst several facilities, or at your corporate office.

Backed by an entire team of Subject Matter Experts, Witt O’Brien’s can manage your company’s EHS programs outright, provide supplementary support as needed, or be task-focused – all for less than the cost of a single FTE.

State, EPA, USCG, BSEE, DOT/PHMSA regulatory support:

• Plan development
• Plan and permit updates
• Training, drills, and exercises
• Reporting and record-keeping
• Program up-keeps, e.g., sampling, inspections, auditing
• Development and tracking of regulatory requirements and compliance timelines

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A Mission - Critical Bonus

Our Command Center responds to over 1,600 incidents per year – more than any other firm in the world.

A quick and effective response can stop a small incident from escalating into an emergency—or even a reputation-destroying crisis. From your initial call through Incident Management Team activation, our trained experts provide the necessary response services you need, when you need them.

⇒ Access to Witt O'Brien's 24/7/365 response support and command center

• Professionally staffed Call Center
• Unique 800 number for your organization
• Incident management capability on 24/hr. standby
• Spill reporting notification assistance
• Access to our on-call incident commanders
• Providing and operating electronic Incident Action Plan (IAP) support via our proprietary software, CommandPro®

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The impact of recent downturns in the Energy Sector have had a drastic effect on all companies managing regulatory/compliance programs and day-to-day operational needs.

If you and your firm are facing ever-shrinking budgets and ever-increasing resource demands, rest assured that you are not alone. In fact, throughout the Energy Sector, personnel are now forced to wear multiple hats due to a downsized workforce. But, regulations, compliance requirements, and the need for incident readiness remain constant.

Companies must now establish priorities based on potential risk rather than actual need, pushing timelines and critical tasks out or even ignoring them altogether. More often than not, it’s the non-operational items that tend to fall to the bottom of the list – or disappear entirely.

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Obstacles Companies Are Facing

As businesses work to minimize environmental impact and decrease their carbon footprint, they face challenges from unilateral nation-state actions, activist investor initiatives, lobbyist groups, and the public. Companies that don’t respond to these challenges face larger fines and increased scrutiny from regulatory agencies and key stakeholders.

Failing to respond to an incident effectively and responsibly can impact your company’s reputation in ways that damage your ability to conduct business and harm your relationships with the communities you serve.

Investing in incident management and regulatory compliance can be overwhelming, especially for small and mid-sized companies.

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Staff Augmentation Solves These Challenges

Staff augmentation addresses short-term personnel needs for regulatory compliance and incident management – expertly and economically.

We offer comprehensive, customizable, and affordable, outsourced risk management services specifically designed for small-to-mid-sized Energy Sector companies.

Your Witt O’Brien’s team combines decades of hands-on incident management experience and proven regulatory compliance expertise into a powerful incident response & EHS capacity for less than the cost of a full-time employee.

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Why Witt O'Brien's

For more than 35 years, Witt O’Brien’s has helped hundreds of companies with regulatory compliance and incident management. Providing crisis/incident management and regulatory expertise minimizes consequences, improves outcomes, and enables a rapid return to business-as-usual.

No one else offers this level of SME support and integrated, tailored service that combines multi-disciplinary expertise with 24/7 response support.